Saving tips from daily habits

Saving doesn't mean making your life tough but if smartly-executed, manages to bring you a generously satisfying life. You don't necessarily have to painfully limit your spending on a lavish brunch, nor a branded outfit. For those who are quite a shopaholic like me, little tricks for grocery shopping will help with saving you some extra money for the necessities. You may argue - how does saving from small amounts essentially help with getting a flat? It does not but at least it helps with getting you extra budget for a good glass of coffee and a set of avocado sandwich, no?

Here's my daily saving habits:

  1. Economical Packaging - Buy refill packaging instead of the original standard packaging as it gives you more volume at a lower price and it actually is more environmental friendly
  2. Apps Sharing - E-commerce apps like Uber Eats usually give out free coupon or special offer in exchange for sharing the apps to friends to encourage app download. Don't feel embarrassed but embrace the opportunity for a 10% off from your next purchase
  3. Promo code - Look for promo code online before making any e-commerce transaction as there usually are time-bound promo or coupon codes that brings you a good discount amount for a decent drink or dessert
  4. Loyalty points - Don't underestimate the loyalty points from a coffee shop, or a supermarket, especially if you frequent those stores, as it brings you some freebies or free samples that you can save it for use during travel
  5. Stock up - Make a mental note on the pricing of the groceries and only make a purchase when there is a significant discount and then stock up at a sensible time
  6. Sharing accounts - Rather than paying for an individual account for music streaming service, or a Netflix subscriptions, share the bills with a friend as a family plan.
  7. Phone bills - Don't settle on your current monthly data plan for mobile phone, bargain for the lowest possible data plan that barely covers your monthly data usage
  8. Free product samples - Make good use of the free face wash samples,  instead of stuffing them in the cabinet, take those with you when you travel
  9. Bringing your own tumbler - if you cannot refrain from getting yourself a coffee while you pass by any coffee shop, bring you own tumbler and that helps to save a penny and save the world. Same as brining your own bottle of water to avoid getting fancy drinks. I would recommend the Funkrin Insulated Coffee Mug with ceramic coating at 16oz from Amazon for her non-lingering odors and her long insulation time.
  10. Credit card - I used to own just one single credit card, so that I can gather points easily rather than diversifying the points, it's a more efficient way to utilize the credits

These are some daily habits that you can effortlessly adopt without restraining too much your impulse for spending, but after all, the ultimate best way to save money is to limit your spending on unnecessary items.