Why Kindle? The ultimate budget and space saver

Why Kindle? The ultimate budget and space saver

I used to be a traditional person, believing that reading a real copy of book sets the scene and creates the literary mood. My bookshelf turns out to be jammed packed with the books that I have read for just once and that I never came back to them even though I thought I would someday. Years later, she proposed getting a kindle. A KINDLE! No way of course, firmly holding on to the principal that I am a traditional book person who only embraces hard copies. Somehow, she talked me through it (I usually lost my stance after a few rounds of vigorous discussions). Soon, it has become my unregrettable decision ever (I can imagine her victorious smile looking at this line).

There're a few points worth highlighting if you're weighting kindle over hard copies:

  1. It has the dictionary readily available for new words and you can anytime access the list of new words to run through it
  2. One of the functions I like most is the highlighting function where you can highlight lines that you think resonate with your mood, mindset most
  3. For any e-book, it is about 50-70% discounted from the hard copies. Meaning you can get 3 e-books at the price of 1 hard copy. Randomly search your next book on the agenda and have a look at its e-book.
  4. EEEEEnormous storage capacity that guarantees you virtual space without having to dust off the bookshelves from time to time. The options on storage range from 4GB to 32GB - known to hold the amount of books that you can't even finish in a lifetime
  5. Last piece of advice for girls like me - It creates a perfect instagrammable image with you huggling your kindle in your bed, by the lakeside, at the picnic spot; it's your perfect life companion
  6. You get to share copies with your family member, though it really depends on if you share similar reading interests. In our case, our interests are fundamentally at two extreme ends - she is basically a techy and me, I started off as a Asian literature reader and turning to become more practical with her influence

Gradually along the way, you will find out that you're more addicted to the reading habit on Kindle. It's never too late to move from hard copies to Kindle! Start with the option on a Certified Refurbished Kindle, available in white or black, which is certified by Amazon and comes with the same limited warranty as a new device. It is a completely ideal option for someone who would like to switch their reading habit but is a little hesitant like me!